Brian P. Railing and Randal E. Bryant.
Implementing Malloc: Students and Systems Programming.,
In Proceedings of the 49th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science
Education (SIGCSE '18). pp 104-109.
A conference paper describing a redesign of the malloc lab for CS:APP.
Nick Parlante, Julie Zelenski, Daniel Zingaro, Kevin Wayne, Dave
O'Hallaron, Joshua T. Guerin, Stephen Davies, Zachary Kurmas,
Debby Keen,
Nifty assignments., SIGCSE 2012, pp 475-476.
A conference paper describing (among other things) the famous CS:APP Binary Bomb lab.
Paper: Randal E. Bryant and David R. O'Hallaron,
Introducing Computer Systems from a Programmer's Perspective,
in Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science
Education (SIGCSE), Feb 21-25, 2001, Charlotte, NC.
A conference
paper describing our Carnegie Mellon ICS+ course that was the basis
for the CS:APP book.
Presentation:Introducing Computer Systems from a Programmer's Perspective
A talk describing our Carnegie Mellon ICS+ course and the
rationale for the CS:APP book (based on third edition).