Instructor Site: Exam Problems
This page is a catalog of some exam problems from the
ICS class at Carnegie Mellon. You'll need a CS:APP account to
access the exams. Here is how the page is organized:
- The problems are bundled together into a single master
- For each problem, we give its problem
number in the master exam, a brief description, and the point total,
which corresponds roughly to expected solution time in minutes.
- The solution for each problem is embedded directly in the Latex
source file. Search for the keyword "answer".
- Problems are sorted by topic area.
Warning: As courses based on CS:APP become more widespread, the
solutions to these exam problems are sure to leak out. To protect
yourself, you should use the example questions as guides, tweaking the
values a bit.
Master Exam
Individual Exam Problems
- Chapter 1: A Tour of Computer Systems
- Chapter 2: Representing and Manipulating Information
- Problem 1: Structure and union alignment (6 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 2: Bit manipulation (matching problem) (12 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 3: Floating point classification (8 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 4: Floating point puzzles (interesting values) (12 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 5: Floating point puzzles (interesting values) (12 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 6: Floating point puzzles (8 bit) (12 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 7: Integer and floating point puzzles (20 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 8: Structure layout and access (9 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 9: Two's complement encoding and arithmetic (9 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 10: Floating point encoding (8 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 11: Two's complement encoding (5 bit) (8 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 12: Two's complement encoding (6 bit) (10 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Chapter 3: Machine-Level Representation of Programs
- Problem 13: Array layout and access (8 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 14: Array layout and access (8 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 15: Array layout and access (8 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 16: Structure and array layout and access (6 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 17: Decompiling a C ``for'' loop (8 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 18: Array layout and access (14 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 19: Structure and union layout and access (12 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 20: Decompiling a C ``for'' loop (8 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 21: Decompiling a C ``for'' loop (8 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 22: Decompiling a C ``for'' loop (8 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 23: Decompiling a C ``for'' loop (10 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 24: Decompiling a C ``for'' loop (10 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 25: Decompiling a C ``for'' loop (8 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 26: Stack discipline (Dr. Evil's buffer overflow) (10 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 27: Mapping of arithment operations to assembly (7 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 28: Matching C conditional to the corresponding assembly (3 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 29: Matching C two's comp arithmetic to the corresponding assembly (3 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 30: Matching C pointer code to the corresponding assembly (3 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 31: Stack discipline (buffer overflow) (8 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 32: Stack discipline (buffer overflow) (12 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 33: Stack discipline (function call and return) (4 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 34: Stack discipline (6 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 35: Stack discipline (buffer overflow) (Part I) (14 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 36: Stack discipline (buffer overflow) (Part II) (8 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 37: Structure alignment and access (10 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 38: Structure layout and access (10 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Chapter 4: Processor Architecture
- Chapter 5: Optimizing Program Performance
- Problem 39: Program optimization (8 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 40: Program optimization (9 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 41: Associativity and its relationship to parallelism (cool!) (10 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Chapter 6: The Memory Hierarchy
- Problem 42: Low-level cache access (5 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 43: Low-level cache access (5 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 44: High-level cache miss rate analysis (8 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 45: Basic cache organization (6 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 46: High-level cache miss rate analysis (7 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 47: High-level cache miss rate analysis (8 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 48: High-level cache miss rate analysis (12 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 49: High-level cache miss rate analysis (10 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 50: High-level miss rate analysis (14 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 51: Medium-level cache conflict miss analysis (4x4 transpose) (8 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 52: Medium-level cache conflict miss analysis (2x2 transpose) (8 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Chapter 7: Linking
- Chapter 8: Exceptional Control Flow
- Problem 53: Process control (5 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 54: Process control (4 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 55: Process control (10 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 56: Process control (5 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 57: Process control (8 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 58: Process control and signals (16 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 59: Signals and signal handling (4 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 60: Process control and signals (timeout version of fgets) (8 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Chapter 9: Virtual Memory
- Problem 61: VM address translation (10 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 62: VM address translation (10 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 63: VM address translation and cache lookup (12 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 64: Dynamic memory allocation (8 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Problem 65: Dynamic memory allocation (10 pts) [pdf, latex]
- Chapter 10: System-Level I/O
- Chapter 11: Network Programming
- Chapter 12: Concurrent Programming
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Dave O'Hallaron